Wheaton College, Permanent Collection

Marjorie Gelb Jones chose to donate the painting to Wheaton College so it could have a "safe and happy home and can be appreciated and enjoyed by other Wheaton friends." Wheaton College was granted the title and interest in Dorothy Hepworth's watercolor painting Sonya Redway Reading on December 20, 2011. The donor, Jones, gifted it to the college framed and in good condition. The painting remained in the Permanent Collection's storage for two years. Sonya Redway was removed at the end of 2012 to be displayed in the student-curated exhibition "100 Years, 100 Objects". This exhibition celebrated the one hundred year anniversary of the Wheaton Female Seminary becoming Wheaton College. Since that time that painting has been held in the collection room in Watson Fine Arts Center.



Email correspondence with Marjorie Gelb Jones


Sonya Redway Reading
Wheaton College, Permanent Collection