Douglas James

Douglas James was a prolific art dealer specializing in 19th and 20th century American art from Signal Mountain, Tennessee. Another one of his interests was the growing field of paint-by-numbers, where artists create a picture that has been plotted in advance based on the color used. Douglas James embarked on many paint-by-numbers projects with Dan Robbins, including the creation of thousands of paint-by-number sets of the Mona Lisa to promote the film Mona Lisa Smile. Douglas James passed away on September 10, 2007 but will be remembered in the paint-by-numbers community and also in the art dealing community.

It is within the scope of 19th and 20th century art that Douglas James is connected to Montclair Meadows. At some point after 1957, he owned the painting before transferring it Steven Straw Gallery in Newburyport, Massachusetts.

Text Sources:

Robbins, Dan. "Doug James Gallery." Doug James. (accessed).


Montclair Meadows
Douglas James