Dr. Mack's House

Dr. Mack’s House locates at Wheaton College on where Watson Fine Arts sits now. Mrs. Wheaton was the original owner of this house. The name of this house came from Dr. Walter Mclntire, a Wheaton philosophy professor who lived in this house from 1914 to 1941. Then the Austins moved into Dr. Mack’s House in 1941 and lived there until October 1959, when Prof. Austin was shocked to hear that Watson Fine Arts will be built on the site of his house next year at a faculty meeting. The present location of Dr. Mack’s House is 78 Taunton Ave, however Wheaton no longer owns it and the ell was broken during the moving in 1960.The Austin House locates on 20 Elm Street was built in 1960. While waiting for it to be finished, the Austin family lived temporarily at the Amen-Gulley Cottage. In this drawing, Dr. Mack's House is the center two-stories building with two chimneys.


Text Sources:

"Carter Cottage/ Dr. Mack's House," Wheaton College History, accessed April 18, 2014. http://wheatoncollege.edu/college-history/1900s/carter-cottage/

Letters between Professor Holcombe Austin and President Howard Meneely [1959], in Folder 11 Faculty File Collection, RG.005.900, Marion B. Gebbie Archives and Special Collections, Wallace Library, Wheaton College, Norton MA, U.S.A.

Yitong Cai, email message to Zephorene Stickney, April 9, 2014. 


Image Source:

Norton Massachusettes Map [1891] image. Gebbie Archives and Special Collections, Wallace Library, Wheaton College, Norton MA, U.S.A.