Library of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow

After being in the possession of Freidrich Carl Bauermeister, the thirteen volume set of Aldrovandi's Opera Omnia ended up at the Library of the Faculty of Physicians & Surgeons in 1898. The library, which is located in Glasgow, is still active today. The library focuses on preserving and archiving the heritage of medicine, surgery and dentistry in Glasgow and the surrounding areas.

As a search of their records yields no information about Aldrovandi's volumes, it follows that the library de-accessioned the objects at the time of the Christie's Auction in November of 2003. Correspondence with the library led to no additional information.


"International Printed Books and Manuscripts Department & Auction Calendar." Valuable Printed Books and Manuscripts, including Natural History. Christie's, November 19, 2003.

Image courtesy of Peter Stubbs, accessed march 17, 2014.

Opera Omnia
Library of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow